Biden’s Raven Called Deplore by Halmitch
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
O’re many faint and bumbling speeches I’d made before,
While I nodded, nearly napping my strength quickly sapping
Came Obama’s urgent rapping, on my chamber door,
Inquiring why his legacy would be no more
Quoth the Raven called; Deplore!
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak November
And like each lying ember 270 plus electoral votes it finally rendered.
Eagerly I wished for the morrow to gloat over Trump’s expected sorrow.
But instead I seemed to borrow a page from Poe and his lost Lenore –
Can I avoid the time I’ll spend in Federal Prison
For stealing votes meant for Trump’s decision?
Quoth the Raven: Nevermore.
And the raven, never flitting, still condemning still sitting
On the not so pallid bust of Obama just above my chamber door;
With the eyes of an evil demon, he glares, While Victory News reports, Trump is beaming
Throwing shadows on my hopes forevermore;
With the Jailer’s final words still ringing “You’ll be in Leavenworth forever”
Quoth the Raven stinging; Deplore! Deplore!