August 11, 2022
To Carole and Doris, my loving Sisters:
I’m writing you both in the same letter because you both probably would like to know more about your question, Carole. You asked me if I thought the devil was involved in all the chaos and bad things that are happening in America right now. The answer is definitely, yes he is!
Now let me explain why the Devil is so active now, especially in America, compared to previous years. Before the devil was thrown down to Earth he was the most powerful of angels (Called Archangels) and known as “Lucifer” or “Light Bearer”.
Then one day he decided he would take over God’s position. (See Isaiah Isaiah14:12-14; verse 14 – I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High) Here, like does not mean good like God but like Him in power and authority.
Once his power was taken away and he was thrown down to Earth he got really mad and he thought he could get back at God by attacking everything God loved the most which was Christians, especially those in America.
Jesus said in Mt. 28:18, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. That means then that Satan has no power, especially over believing Christians IF they will exercise that power!. Many Christians either don’t know they have this power or else they don’t know how to use it. Sad!
One of the many reasons why Satan hates America is because God loves America and most of the time America supports Israel, depending on who is President. Satan also sees that his time is short and he wants to inflict as much damage as he can before he is thrown into the Bottomless Pit. Satan also knows that Jesus is about to return to Earth and put down all authority except His own righteous authority. See Rev. 11:15 – The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!
Eventually Satan will be thrown into the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years. Later he will be released for awhile and then thrown into The Lake of Fire for Eternity along with all those who are not saved. What an awful thought to contemplate for humans.
If any nation wanted to destroy America they would do these things; decrease our oil supply, downgrade our military, open our borders to illegal aliens, raise taxes, and basically turn America into a Socialist/Communist nation. Then we would self destruct. That is exactly what Joe Biden has done and Satan deceived him into doing it. Remember that Satan is the master deceiver and liar. He can give you a lying thought and make you think it was your own thought.
So what are we to do to stop such a clever liar? If you are born again you already have the answer to that question and it is the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that The Holy Spirit is “The Spirit of Truth” and He can discern for you the difference between the truth and a lie. (See John 16:13Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, (From God, The Father) that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come) –
The Democratic Party has sold its soul to Satan who has put it in Biden’s head to do all the stupid things that he has done. The Republican Party has opposed most of these things but they are not exactly Lilly-White either. It used to be Democrats VS Republicans; Liberals against Conservatives but now it is good against evil. All of these “these things” are the result of Satan’s deception and lies.
In addition to all this, thousands in America have turned away from God to worship Baal an Old Testament idol, without knowing it by sacrificing babies to abortion for their own convenience. This is is no different than Baal worship. Since 1973 when abortion was made legal in America, there have been over 65 million babies aborted. (Killed)
Thank God that recently the Court reversed Roe V. Wade, the court case that made abortion legal in America. (This was the result of the prayers of many Christians) However, now abortion supporters are in the streets protesting that decision. Again, these thousands are all deceived into thinking that abortion is a “Woman’s right” and “Women’s Healthcare”. How absurd! There is no healthcare involved in abortion!.
What abortionists fail to realize is that God’s Word in Psalm 139 says that life begins at conception; not at some arbitrary time chosen at the whim of Planned Parenthood. Satan has hidden Psalm 139 from most people especially the church! PS.139:13 – For thou hast possessed my “reins” which means my mind or interior self; thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.
Political candidates who promote abortion promote murder. If you have voted for one of them in the past repent and ask God, the Holy Spirit to show you which ones still support abortion and do not vote for them in the future. I’m sure you do not want to support murder.
You may not think you have power or authority over Satan but read this: Then He (Jesus) called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. Luke 9:1 – If you are a born again Christian you are also a disciple, just not one of the original twelve.
Review: There’s a lot wrong in America right now including rampant crime in the streets, government agencies teaching and forcing sex changes on children and calling parents terrorists when they resist, the holding as political prisoners those who were arrested at the Capitol on Jan 6th, 2021, and finally, invading former Pres. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and hauling away nearly four SUV’s full of private documents. This is what was done to German citizens by Nazis and the Gestapo in WWII.
In conclusion: Maybe I should have just sent you my latest book “The Re-Awakening of America; The Antidote for the Poison of Socialism” instead of writing this letter. This letter does express much of what I said in that book. I hope I have not offended either of you by any of my statements here.
Please understand that there is hope for America. We are actually in Revival right now. I see revival in the reversal of Roe V. Wade, in the many born again Christians running for office, in the many prayer meetings springing up including the one Sharon and I go to. Yes, the Devil is very busy trying to destroy America but we Christians are, with God’s help stronger than the devil.
We have a covenant (Agreement) with God and He will never break it. Part of that covenant is found in 2 Chron. 7:14 – “If my people, (Christians) who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; (One of our wicked ways is abortion) then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Praise the Lord!
Love to you both, Brother Hal