The Salty Sage
Witticism #2 – Gender Identity
When God created Man He did a marvelous thing.
He created only two genders as His precious offspring.
Creating them male and female in Genesis on the first page
And I can tell the difference ‘cause I’m the Salty Sage.
God is so very wise and that no one denies;
Except the wicked Devil, the father of all lies
He disputes God’s “Gender Truth” of all creation,
It’s his plan to destroy America, God’s special nation.
Post Script
Great wisdom is also found in the book of Proverbs.
It’s like feasting on steak rather than veggies and herbs.
So if you’re hungry for strong mental food
Read “The Salty Sage” everyday and become shrewd!
Hal, The Salty Sage
And The Bard of Hearthstone Hills