Doctors VS Mechanics
I’ve found that Doctors & Mechanics play the same game
Using different terms but with results much the same.
You go to a garage just to change your oil one day
Later, a Mechanic gives you a repair list that will say:
“There’s a leak here and one there; fix them now, not later”
Then he explains them in terms that require a translator.
The cost of the repairs will take your bottom dollar
And make want to yell and scream and holler.
And this was for something you probably never needed
If only to the words of the “Salty Sage” you had heeded!
Beware my friend. The Doctors are just the same!
You go to them when you’re feeling just a little lame,
Not knowing the solution, they give you exam after exam,
Leading you to the slaughter like an innocent lamb.
They’re just examining you to get a larger fee.
Listening to “The Salty Sage” would have set you free!
Hal Mitchell – The Salty Sage and
The Bard of Hearthstone Hills