Waiting for the Monsoon

Waiting for the Monsoon

By Hal Mitchell – July 15, 2023

 I feel like a thirsty cactus plant

Shrinking in the sun as coyotes pant,

Howl all night, and bark at the moon

Except for them, I’m the only one asking

“God, when are you gonna’ start the Monsoon?”


  Carnal men invented a/c to beat the 110° heat

And against God they strive to compete.

 Even figuring out how to fly to the moon.

But I still have faith to ask my God

“When are you gonna’ start the Monsoon?”


Then after many hot days without God’s rain

Instead of praying I began to complain.

And I looked to the world; crazy as a loon.

Like carnal men, I stopped asking my God,

“When are you gonna’ start the Monsoon?”


 Now no one prays for the cactus plant,

Or the thirsty coyotes who constantly pant,

 But no longer howl or bark at the moon.

So, there’ll be a dearth on the earth ‘till somebody asks,

 “God, when are you gonna’ start the Monsoon?”


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